Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Quote-Free Friends

Chad Eklund and Linda Dickinson both asked me to be their Facebook friends. I put quotes around the word "friends" when I first typed it and then I took the quotes away. Chad Eklund was a friend in the early 1990s when we were stationed at Edwards AFB together. We never stopped being friends, we just moved and didn't bother communicating. Therefore, I suppose he still counts as a quotation-mark-free friend. Likewise, Linda Dickinson, f.k.a. Linda Weinberger, was a high school friend with whom I lost contact so she also gets a quote-free endorsement.

There is something more to say about the word's rapid morphing of meaning, but not right now.

I am also getting ready to start my second full school year as a high school English teacher. This year, I get to work with sophomores and Ms. Aspen, my own 10th grade English teacher, might want to see about becoming my "friend" so she can smile as karma takes its inevitable toll.

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