Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dark Dungeons

I played a lot of Dungeons and Dragons as a teenager. Gaming trailed off as I entered into young adulthood, got married, and had kids. I still play now, usually only for a week or so once a year with a couple of the same guys I gamed with in high school.

In addition to playing D&D, I also attended church regularly and was an active and heartily believing young Christian lad. I began doubting my faith, ironically enough, as a result of the now classic religious tract, "Dark Dungeons" published by Chick Publications. The art isn't too bad, in a hyperbolic comic book way, but the dialog and situations portrayed in the tract are so ludicrous, it made me begin to wonder about the realities of my strongly held faith. Could it be just as much of a fantasy as the games I played?

Thanks, Chick Publications, for being the catalyst that began my questioning that ultimately allowed me to look at my faith with critical eyes and finally to discard it.

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